DNA-seq |
| basecall | Base/variant caller |
| minorallele | Find potential minor allele frequency (experimental) |
RNA-seq |
| cims | Finds regions of unusual deletions (CLIP-seq) (experimental) |
| count | Calculates counts/FPKM for genes/BED regions/repeats (also CNV) |
General |
| best | Filter out multiple mappings for a read, selecting only the best |
| convertregion | Converts region mapping to genomic mapping |
| export | Export reads, mapped positions, and other tags |
| expressed | Finds regions expressed in a BAM file |
| extract | Extracts reads based on regions in a BED file |
| filter | Removes reads from a BAM file based on criteria |
| innerdist | Calculate the inner mate-pair distance from two BAM files |
| junctioncount | Counts the number of reads spanning individual junctions. |
| keepbest | Parses BAM file and keeps the best mapping for reads that have multiple mappings |
| merge | Combine multiple BAM files together (taking best-matches) |
| nearest | Find the nearest annotated BED region for each read (experimental) |
| pair | Given two separately mapped paired files, re-pair the files |
| pcrdup | Find and mark PCR duplicates (experimental) |
| peakheight | Find the size (max height, width) of given peaks (BED) in a BAM file |
| removeclipping | Postprocesses a BAM file to remove all clipping from reads and alignments (experimental) |
| renamepair | Postprocesses a BAM file to rename pairs that have an extra /N value |
| split | Splits a BAM file into smaller pieces |
| stats | Calculates simple stats for a BAM file |
| tag | Update read names with a suffix (for merging) |
Conversion |
| tobed | Convert BAM reads to BED regions |
| tobedgraph | Convert BAM coverage to bedGraph (for visualization) |
| tofasta | Convert BAM reads to FASTA sequences |
| tofastq | Convert BAM reads back to FASTQ sequences |
Misc |
| check | Checks a BAM file for corruption |
| cleancigar | Fixes BAM files where the CIGAR alignment has a zero length element |