General |
| clean | Cleans a BED file (score should be integers) |
| extend | Extends BED regions (3') |
| nearest | Find the nearest annotation for a BED file (experimental) |
| overlap | Find overlapping BED regions from a query and target file |
| reduce | Merges overlapping BED regions |
| refcount | Given a number of BED files, calculate the number of samples that overlap regions in a reference BED file |
| sizes | Extract the sizes of BED regions |
| sort | Sorts a BED file (in place) |
| stats | Calculates simple stats for a BED file |
| subtract | Subtracts one set of BED regions from another |
Conversion |
| annotate | Annotate BED files by adding / altering columns |
| frombasecall | Converts a file in basecall format to BED3 format |
| fromprimers | Converts a list of PCR primer pairs to BED regions |
| fromvcf | Converts a file in VCF format to BED6 |
| tobed3 | Removes extra columns from a BED (or BED compatible) file |
| tobed6 | Removes extra columns from a BED (or BED compatible) file |
| tobedgraph | BED to BedGraph |
| tofasta | Extract BED regions from a reference FASTA file |
Misc |
| cleanbg | Cleans up a bedgraph file |