Calculates simple stats for a BAM file
Usage: bamutils stats {options} file1.bam {file2.bam...}
If a region is given, only reads that map to that region will be counted.
Regions should be be in the format: 'ref:start-end' or 'ref:start' using
1-based start coordinates.
-all Show the stats for all fragments (defaults to just the first fragment)
-nofill Don't fill in missing values when showing stat distributions
-region chrom:start-end
Only calculate statistics for this region
-tags tag_name{:sort_order},tag_name{:sort_order},...
For each tag that is given, the values for that tag will be
tallied for all reads. Then a list of the counts will be presented
along with the mean and maximum values. The optional sort order
should be either '+' or '-' (defaults to +).
There are also special case tags that can be used as well:
MAPQ - use the mapq score
LENGTH - use the length of the read
MISMATCH - use the mismatch score (# mismatches) + (# indels)
where indels count for 1 regardless of length
Note: this requires the 'NM' tag (edit distance)
to be present
Common tags:
AS Alignment score
IH Number of stored alignments in file for a read
NH Number of reported alignments for a read
NM Edit distance (each indel counts as many as its length)
For example, to tally the "IH" tag (number of alignments) and the
read length:
-delim char
If delimiter is given, the reference names are split by this
delimiter and only the first token is summarized.
-gtf model.gtf
If a GTF gene model is given, counts corresponding to exons,
introns, promoters, junctions, intergenic, and mitochondrial
regions will be calculated.
Note: For paired-end reads, only the first fragment is counted
regardless of the {-all} option above