Outputs information about reads in a BAM file.
This can be used to optionally extract various fields from a BAM file on a
read-by-read basis. By default this will export the read-name, the mapped
reference, the mapped position, and the CIGAR alignment string for a read.
Usage: bamutils export {opts} {fields} bamfile
-mapped Output only mapped reads
-unmapped Output only unmapped reads
-whitelist file.txt Output only reads that are listed in a text file
-blacklist file.txt Output only reads that are not listed in a text file
-name Read name
-ref Mapped reference (chrom)
-pos Mapped position (1-based)
-strand Mapped strand (+/-)
-cigar CIGAR alignment string
-flags Mapping flags (base 10 number)
-seq Sequence
-qual Quality sequence
-mapq MAPQ score
-nextref Next mapped reference (paired-end)
-nextpos Next mapped position (paired-end)
-tlen Template length (paired-end)
-tag:tag_name Any tag
For example:
-tag:AS -tag:NH
Outputs the alignment score and the edit distance
-tag:* Outputs all tags in SAM format
Default fields: -name -ref -pos -cigar